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Friday, July 23, 2010

Life-Redefined. This is a poem on life! It brings to light, the harder truth one has to face in this journey called life.


Is in me, in you and in us.

It’s a plus,

When there is no fuss.

Life is the blazing sun in summer,

Life is the freezing cold in winter,

Life is under the midnight sun,

And life is beneath the morning moon.

Life teaches you to laugh,

When you are happy in your half.

Life makes you cry,

When the crop is all dry.

Life is the truth, it never lies.

Life has no limit, beyond skies.

Life is trust, as it trusts you.

And when you betray, there is no rescue.

Life is a lesson, you learn it,

When you live it.

Life is a reason, a fact,

Very much abstract.

Life is life itself,

It demands one’s self.

Life is high above in a shelf,

You cannot get it, you elf!

Every life makes an impression,

Never get into depression,

Life is very difficult,

If not deciphered the occult.

Life kisses you a goodnight,

For sure, everything is alright.

Life kisses you a goodbye,

And that’s it, you die.


Is in me, in you and in us.

It’s a plus,

When there is no fuss.

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